I am now a proud mommy of one special little girl. Back flash - Aug 2018 we got married, then we went on our Spain honeymoon and then 10 months later we had our little baby girl. No it was not a honeymoon baby. I was a young newly wed wife with no knowledge of how to raise a child, but have faith in God and all possible mothers instinct kicks in. All of a sudden you know things you never new. I remember the Wednesday before the Friday I had to go in for my c-section I cried and told my husband, I haven't even finish the book I started reading. What is baby cries...Well I through the book one side and decided to leave everything in God's hands because I was scared, frustrated and emotional about everything from that point. The Friday morning of 19 July 2019 I got up, I wasn't stressed I just took the day as it come. We got to the hospital I was booked in and from there we waited. I thought I was going in 01:30pm - but I didn't I only went in that night before 05:00pm. Finally I went into theater where I was about the get anesthetics, and I absolutely hated it. It was so unbelievably sore and I cried, but then everything started getting numb, I couldn't feel anything and from there the surgery started. I could feel how the doctors moved my body, but I didn't feel any pain. This was such a relieve as the worst was over and that was the spinal injection. Finally I heard little baby was crying and my heart was sooooo happy. You truly do forget the pain once you hear and have your little bundle in your arms. As I was pushed out of theater I was bombed with grandma's and well... only grandma's! I got to my room and was still numbed, after 10:00pm I started getting feeling back in my legs, it was sore but bearable. The following day I didn't move a lot only to the loo and back. From the Sunday I got up and started walking up and down the corridor. The doctor did her check ups and she was happy and the pediatrician was happy with Baby Moo. I was encouraged to breast feed and I did my best however it was to painful and now I don't breast feed anymore. I really wish I didn't stop as I regret it today, but in the future with baby #2 I know what to expect and will definitely carry on. That was just a little update on Baby Moo, she is doing great, she's healthy and beautiful.
You will definitely see more baby related posts in the future, whether it is fashion, beauty, shopping what ever.
Hope you enjoyed this update.
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