Friday, 19 June 2015

Living Healthy

The last two weeks I decided to live a little bit more healthy! If it's working? Well I think so because I'm not as tired as I use to be (all the time).

So here is my secrets 

The very first thing I drink is a glass of water or a 500ml bottle of water. Right through the day I try to consume at least 2L water a day. I don't take less then 1.5L a day.

Why water everyday is good for you??

  • Water has no side effect!
  • Fluid Balance - Roughly 60% of the body is made of water. Drinking enough water maintains the body's fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food and more. 
  • Calories Control - Drinking water could also help you with weight loss. 
  • This is rather interesting - sweating at the gym causes muscles to lose water and when the muscle don't have enough water, they get tired. For extra energy, try drinking water to push through that final set of squats.
  • Clearer Skin - Some toxins in your body can cause the skin to inflame, which can cause clogged pores and acne. While science saying water makes the skin wrinkle free, water also flushes out the toxins and can prevent pimples.
  • Kidney Function - Our kidney process 200 quarts of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder. Yet, kidney needs enough fluids to clear away what we don't need in the body. 
  • Productive boost - To really focus, a glass of water could help people concentrate and stay refreshed and alert.
  • Fatigue buster - Water can fight tired eyes. One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness.
  • Hangover help - a glass of water will help to hydrate the body and stop the pounding headache. 
  • Pain Prevention - Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated.
  • Keep things flowing -  Nobody wants to deal with digestion issues. Drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps things, move smoothly. 
  • Sickness fighter - Water may help with decongestion and dehydration, helping the body bounce back when feeling under the weather. Drinking fluids hasn't scientifically proven to beat colds, so don't swap this for a trip to the doctor or other cold remedies.
  • Brain Boost - Water promotes clearer thinking, this was shown by a study in London. - Check out this site for more info!

Then I drink a cup of Milo - to warm me up especially in the Winter, Summer I will 
perhaps drink it cold, just as tasty!
Milo is great because it's a malt energy drink. It contains Energy, Vitamins, Calcium and Iron.

Breakfast - I have my Jungle Oats Energy bar. They are great, they come in different flavors. My personal favorite is the dark chocolate, Milk Chocolate and Berries. The taste is great and if you are a chocolate lover, there is a bit of chocolate cover added to this 'amazing' bar. I don't eat nuts at all and i sometimes I eat fruits so these bars is great for picky people like me.

By 11 o'clock I'll usually have a cup of soup to fill me until lunch. My favorites are oxtail, hearty beef and creamy mushroom (the knorr brand, just add water type of soup).
Tablets time! I buy my tablets from Springbok (Alberton) 
I take my Multi Vitamins (A, B1, B3, C, D3) 
Calcium and Magnesium (Chewable tablets) 
These tablets are very affordable some tablets and a huge variety you can choose of!

By 1 o'clock I'll have my lunch. I try to cut down on my white bread. I love dumpy bread so I'll have a smooth peanut butter sandwich. Which is great because it really makes you full. I always try to have something for lunch that i know will fill me until I get home and I have dinner. So whether its a 'boerewors roll', (a South African Traditional Hot dog ;)  a toasted sandwich etc. I have to be honest I don't check my calories and I don't over eat myself. 

By this time I usually have 1L of water in the tummy! 

Then during the day I'll have my small yogurt or 10 small flavored rice cakes. Maybe another cup of Milo or tea but not likely. 

Basically my main focus is to drink enough water everyday. Not just because of all above mentioned reasons but because of my skin. My skin is my main focus. Having a beautiful flawless skin is the key to so many things, self confidence, no foundation needed ;)! and sooooo many more reasons! 
I used to be on The Pill but decided to leave it and focus on all the right things to make my body and skin function in a more natural way. Exercise & healthy living! 

This is my challenge from the first of July 2015. Meanwhile I'll cut down on take-outs and chocolates and more of exercise and water... and .... healthy living ... and salads.... 

Will let you guys know how it goes. 

Have a great weekend!! 


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Speak your Heart ... Speak your culture!

Last night I sat and watched TV. Trying to find some kind of inspiration to update my blog as you know, I work so I can’t be a full time blogger but I'm giving it my ALL! J

Anyways... My dad changed the channel to VH1. VH1 is great because it has all these golden oldies music videos playing - I call that real music! In today's life there are a few good artists and then some not the great, the technology is much more advanced which actually helps some artists sound good... Some I’d rather listen over the radio then to ever go and see them life!    

Back to my dad and VH1, I told him why we don’t watch something in our own language? I changed the channel to 'KykNet Musiek' - in South Africa we speak Afrikaans and Afrikaans people are great and 'boere-rig', there is so many things in South Africa that makes our country so great. Focusing on MY culture, I'm an Afrikaans speaking lady.

We have 11 National languages in South Africa, unfortunately I can only speak 2, Afrikaans and English - which I do feel a bit ashamed of. I work with multi cultural people and I can only speak two languages and some of them can speak more than two languages - including Afrikaans. Not good but they can speak a bit! I decided to learn an extra language  - I'll be learning a new language starting today.  

Back to Afrikaans.

What makes my country and my language great?
Wat maak my land en taal besonders?

Tourists Attractions/Toeriste Aantrekkings

This is only a few things I'm mentioning that came to mind.
Die is net n paar dinge wat ek noem wat in gedagte gekom het. 

Afrikaans music is great. We have such great artists with unbelievable talent. 
Afrikaanse musiek is besonders. Ons het baie besonderse kunstenaars met ongelooflike talent! 

Some of my favourite artists:
Karlien Van Jaarsveld
Bobby van Jaarsveld
Gerhard Steyn
Liani May
Riana Nel 
Arno Jordaan
Kurt Darren
Elizma Theron
Heuwels Fantasties
Jack Parrow
Heinz Winkler  

There of thousands more artists in South Africa, that we know of and that are still working on growing in SA. 
Daar is duisende kunstenaars in Suid-Afrika, wat ons van weet en sommige wat nog hulself probeer opbou in SA. 

You have to live in SA to understand our dancing, like any other culture out there we have a traditional dance and we call it the 'Sokkie'! Owh did I mention 'Rieldanser' that you'll mostly find in the Cape.
Jy moet in SA bly om ons dans te verstaan, soos enige ander kultuur daar buite, het ons n tradisionele dans en ons noem dit die 'Sokkie'!Owh het ek genoem 'Rieldansers', dit vind jy meer in die Kaap.

Where do I start, koeksuster, milktart, braai, biltong, droe wors, krummel pap, potjie, Frikkadelle, potbrood, vetkoek. Unfortunately there aren’t really English words for these foods.
Waar begin ek, koeksusters, braai, biltong, droe wors, krummel pap, potjie, Frikkadelle, pot brood, vet koek. Ongelukkig kan is daar nie Engelse woorde vir die kos nie. 

RUGBY!!! How to watch Rugby in SA - braai, beer/brandy and coke and a perfect summer sunny day! South Africa has 5 big teams playing in the Super 15, Lions (MY TEAM), Cheetahs, Sharks, Blue Bulls and Western Province (WP)/Stormers.
RUGBY!!! Hoe kyk jy Rugby in SA - Braai, bier/branewyn en coke en n perfekte sonnige sommer dag! Suid-Africa het 5 nationale spanne in die Super 15, Leeus (MY SPAN), Jagluiperds, Haaie, Weslike Provinsie (WP)/Stormers.

Tourist Attractions/Toeriste Aantrekkings
South Africa has some of the most beautiful tourist attractions you will ever see. (I've never been out of South Africa). 
Suid-Afrika het van die mooiste toeriste aantrekkings wat jy ooit sal sien. (Ek was nog nooit uit Suid-Afrika nie).

-Table Mountain/Tafelberg
-Kruger National Park/Kruger Nasionale Park
-God's Window
-Mac Mac Falls
-National Botanical Gardens/Nationale Botaniese Tuine (Nelspruit)
-Meiringspoort (Not sure if there is an English name)
-Garden Route 
-Robin Island/Robin Eiland *
-Boulders Beach/Boulders Strand *
-V & A Waterfront *
-Franchhoek Motor Museum *
-Wine tasting/Wyn proe * (Wine Route/Wyn Roete) 
-Groot Constantia *
-Cango Caves/Cango Grotte 
-Ostrich Farm, Oudshoorn/Volstruis Plaas, Oudshoorn
*Places I'd love to still visit/Plekke wat ek nog graag wil besoek

There are a lot of places to visit in SA - Check out link below!
Daar is baie plekke om te besoek in SA - Kyk op die webwerf onder!

Probably my favorite part of this post since it's one of my many dreams!
Seker my gunsteling dele van die post aangesien dit een van my vele drome is!

The movie industry is busy growing in SA, thanks to advanced technology and people believing 'this one' is going to be a success! Actors and actresses believing in their dream and making the directors and producers dreams come true by delivering good work and making the movies successful!  
This is my dream I'd love to be in an Afrikaans movie one day. Not one but various ones! I love watching Afrikaans movies, it's my language and it makes me proud!
Die film bedryf is besig om te groei in SA, te danke aan gevorderde tegnologie en mense wat glo 'die een' gaan n groot sukses wees. Aktrieses en akteurs glo in hulle drome en maak regiseurs en produsente se drome waar deur goeie werk te lewer en die film suksesvol te maak.
Dit is my droom om eendag in n Afrikaanse film te wees. Nie net een nie maar sommer baie verskillende enes! Ek's lief daarvoor om Afrikaanse films te kyk, dis my taal en dit maak my trots!

SA movies were only discovered by SA film industry for the last 5 years, chances were taken and people’s lives were changed in various ways. 
SA films was herdek in die laaste 5 jaar deur SA se film bedryf, kaanse was geneem en mense se lewe het verander in baie verskillende maniere. 

Some of my favorite movies/ Van my gunsteling films
-Pad na my hart
-Vrou soek boer
-Leading lady 
-Klein Karoo
-Mooi Rivier*
-Hollywood in my huis*
-French toast*
-Spook van Uniondale
-Faan se truin
-Getroud met Rugby
-Ballade van n enkeling*
*I haven't watched yet/Ek het nog nie dit 

Loving it! 

Hartenbos (Mosselbay) probably the MUST place to be during the December Summer Holidays! If you are from where ever in the world and you want to spend your Christmas somewhere sunny Hartenbos/Mosselbay is the perfect holiday destination! What also makes this such a great destination is the friendly people coming by your house, singing Christmas carols! You'll hear them coming from two blocks away... and a small donation will be appreciated! No please don’t close your doors on them you'll understand when you see them! 

Hartenbos/Mosselbaai is seker een van die MOET plekke om te wees in die Sommer Desember vakansie! As jy in enige plek in die wereld is en jy wil jou Kersfees iewers spandeer waar dit sonnig is, is Hartenbos/Mosselbaai die pefekte plek. Wat die bestemming so besonder maak is die vriendelike mense wat by jou huis om kom en Kersfees liedjies sing! Jy sal hulle hoor aankom van 2 blokke weg... n klein donasie sal waardeur word! Moet asb nie die deur toemaak voor hulle nie, jy sal verstaan as jy eers hulle sien! 

The perfect part of the country you have to visit during December holidays in SA/ Die perfekte deel van die land om te besoek gedurende jou Desember vakansie in SA.

This is probably the most important part of my post! All I can say about religion is RESPECT EACH OTHERS RELIGION! Everyone has their own religion.
The major faiths practiced in SA are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and traditional African religion Judaism. 
Die is seker die mees belangrikste deel van my post! Al wat ek kan se oor Godsdiens is RESPEKTEER MEKAAR SE GODSDIENS! Almal het hulle eie Godsdiens. 
Die Grootste gelowe wat beoefen word in SA is Christenskap, Islam, Hindoeisme en tradisionele Afrika Godsdiens Judaisme.

What a long post! 
Wat 'n lang post! (Sorry guys not sure what post is in Afr, heheh) 

Hope you enjoyed this please do leave comments or send me a mail tell me about your country I would love to hear from you! Please any bad comments keep to yourself! 
Hoop julle het dit geniet, asb los enige kommentaar of stuur n e-pos vir my en vertel my van jou land, ek sal dit geniet om van jou te hoor! Asb enige slegte kommentaar hou dit vir jouself!

Have a great day everyone!
Lekker dag verder almal! 


Friday, 5 June 2015

Avon - June 2015

First of all I love the cover of this months edition of Avon’s June 2015 brochure. All 3 the girls are absolutely beautiful!

I decided to share some of my favorite items in this edition.

Check it out! 

If you are interested in purchasing any Avon products and you are living in the East Rand, Gauteng, South Africa, drop me a mail @ and I will forward you the June 2015 brochure. 

Hope to hear from you soon. 

Have a great weekend! 


Thursday, 4 June 2015

Avon - My first delivery!

Most of you know I sell Avon, for my first month of selling I don’t think I did that bad.
Here are some items that my clients purchased.

Client 1: 
Avon Foot Works - Lavender luxury softening balm & Lavender Comforting soak - R70 for both. This was a special any 2 Avon Foot Works products for R70. 

I also included a extra gift to all my first time clients - This lady got a Aspire lotion.

Client 2: 
This client purchased a few items. 
Avon Anew Reversalist - complete renewal (day) cream - R 194

Fan Nail Brush - R19.50

Angled Nail decoration brush - R19.50

Straightening Comb - R79.95

These glittery nail polish is very pretty colors 
Avon Magic Effect Fringe - R 54.95

Avon Magic Effect Diamond Shatter - R 54.95

Client 3:
Advance Techniques - Moroccan Argan Oil - R44.90 (BARGAIN!) 

Free gifts to all my first time clients (client 2 & 3)

 Special Gift Wrapping 

If you are interested in purchasing any Avon products and you would like to support me by purchasing through me, send me a mail on 

Remember all new clients gets a free gift with your first purchase. 

Check out my blog tomorrow for some of my favorite items 
in this months Avon June brochure.

I'd like to thank each of my clients for supporting me. XXX
